1.   It will also appeal to those who want to broaden their knowledge of biosensors.

2.   It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.

3.   The Presidents also appealed to the developed countries for more aid.

4.   Yeltsin also appealed to Russian soldiers in the Baltic states to disobey orders to use force against civilians, prompting a furious attack on him by Gorbachev.

5.   He also appealed to the federal government to address the grievances of the Indians, which included land compensation claims and poor living conditions.

6.   He also appealed to the rebels to assist in the remodelling of the Armed Forces of Liberia under the guidance of the regional peace-keeping force ECOMOG.

7.   Big-band music, especially Duke Ellington, and both traditional and modern jazz also appealed to the teenager.

8.   They also appealed to holidaymakers not to be put off the resort by the disaster.

9.   They may also appeal to Whitehall for more money.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
also + v. >>共 856
say 5.73%
be 5.05%
have 4.37%
make 1.46%
include 1.16%
take 1.08%
call 1.07%
want 1.00%
help 0.99%
expect 0.91%
appeal 0.12%
每页显示:    共 640